Saturday, January 1, 2011

Lost in Hong Kong

Tonight we decided to go out after our late night nap, at 12 oclock. we wanted to spend the rest of our Hong Kong dollars so we went to Soho to the hukah bar. Spent a good evening with the host Jeff from Cairo Egypt and tipped well. when it was time to go home we walked to Central station where the subway was closed when David our tour guide said it was open 24 hours.
This left us with the question how do we get home in this city where we have no idea where we are. our first option was the taxi but it would cost us 100 Hong Kong dollars which we did not have. for some reason we could not withdrawl from our bank account so we had to find another option. This is when we started asking people if they spoke english and if they could help us out. some people had no idea what we were talking about but then we found out to take the bus to Mong Kok.
Now we were in Mong Kok and needed to get back to Kowloon. With no sense of direction we began talking to random people and walking the streets. Eventually we found a local with an iPhone who looked up the hotel and pointed us in the right direction. We told him that we were short on money and there was no way we were paying for the bus. Chris kindly offered him his fresh nike airmax kicks but he turned it down and handed us a 20. this is what payed for our bus ride to Kwon Tung where we then walked the streets and looked for familar sights. Once we found the Subway station close to our hotel we knew exactly where we were.
Once we walked into the hotel we had to go straight to the computer and share our experience. Althought it was a little frustrating we stayed calm and got to experience Hong Kong first hand. it is now 4:29 a.m. local time. Overall - GREAT NIGHT!

-Will & Chris

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